
“The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens
to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far
beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach.” C.G. Jung

What are dreams?

Are you curious? Do you wonder whether dreams are nonsensical phenomena or messages with meaning?

Dreams can sometimes sound clear in their message. Likewise, they’re sometimes abstract and – seemingly – meaningless.

Looking for a better understanding of your dreams, either in sleep or waking life, can help you develop a deeper understanding of your Self.


Have you checked your messages?

Your internal psyche, or soul, gives you direct information quite frequently through dreams.

Dreams also bring information from the unconscious to the conscious.

However, this information can be difficult to understand, and this is where dreamwork comes into play.

Using the imagery within your dream, we’ll work cohesively to decode and understand the message it’s trying to convey.


But how do we do this?

By way of a specialized framework, I’ll lead you back into the dream, all the while asking you to recall it with as much detail as possible.

I’ll allow myself to be a conduit in the space – feeling and sensing the deeper meaning within your dream.

I’ll bring what I feel and sense into the room so you can determine what to do with the information.

Is this an all-or-nothing proposition?

Does some of it make sense and feel applicable – or just a part?

We will work together to discover an – and all – applicable parts of the dream. You may be surprised at the information you receive!

Clients who have done dreamwork have expressed realizations of parts of themselves that they didn’t know – or, perhaps, you do know but have had difficulty putting into words.

This is the exact reason imagery work is so important! It helps open up what we each truly value in the world.

Uncover the deeper meaning of your dreams.

Reach out today (720) 235-8582 for a free 20-minute consultation.

Together, let’s fashion the key to the door –

So we can unlock the knowledge and understanding you desire.